The Galician Nautical Association was established on February 20, 2003 and had 16 Founding Clubs, later 13 were incorporated, until forming an association of 29 Galician clubs


The Association was born with over 80% of the nautical facilities Galicia , managing over 3,000 berths with about 20,000 members and 45,000 users

We highlight the efforts and work of the Nautical clubs, associations , non-profit , in the promotion and practice of water sports from an early age , at a time when there were no other initiatives to respond to this demand by the lack of profitability this activity. In this work more than 200 jobs were created , both direct and indirect.

The defense and promotion of the Galician yacht clubs was one of the incentives that motivated the creation of the Association. The fact that these entities base their activity on development of Boating and other water sports and the economic aspect is not a primary objective , make their merits are not sufficiently recognized when only economic criteria are applied to evaluate a work . However this work from the base, is what largely led the great development and demand for boating facilities .

To promote and maintain the services and port infrastructure nautical Galicia, and promote nautical tourism quality , allowing complement existing tourism and promote the stable development of the coastal Galician economy is another objective of ASNAUGA , help boost sport of sailing off the coast of Galicia and the marine environment of our community aware of its uniqueness, the unique characteristics for nautical sports activities with our estuaries and coasts in general community that already has a number of blue flags awarded to sailing facilities compared to their competitors in other communities or Foreign Countries. and propose the improvement of facilities to provide better response services to nautical tourists who visit us, with imaginative solutions that allow us to position ourselves to great deals in the sector worldwide.

Noteworthy is the work of the Marine historically able to maintain the infrastructure over time as living entities in the sports and social field as true agents of economic development and integration in our society.


Development and promotion of nautical tourism

Defence and development of non- nautical Galician Associations profit

Defense, development and promotion of water sports in general of Galicia and the training of its professionals

Representation , Xestión promotion, protection and defense infrastructure é das suas – Culturais sports activities two seus membros . A Consolidation do public and social prestixio two seus membros .

For information e os seus Coaching membros progress in lexislativa produzan chants , technical, economic ou professional matter.

Representation and defense to hold two associates seus , na totalidade shua , ou groups individually , nas Issues to poidan Association to affect whether ou ela to actividade that Promove , border to Directors of calquera Tribunais grao and xurisdicción , Professional Association , Federacions , Confederacións , Cameras Colexios physical ou xurídicas persoas .

A management and disposal two equity ea Bathshua application gives us fins and Association activities .

I promote conventions and colaboracións with entities pursuing outras obxectivo seu unequivocally as a defense organization and da da da free enterprise system no social market economy, contribuíndo , na das suas as possibilities, or do sports Desenvolvemento and marine industry consolidation in xeral and do tourism Galicia in particular.

Manter and encourage, as creators and service providers of port infrastructure, tourism and accessible to calidade allowing existing tourism to diversify and promote stable or Desenvolvemento do da galega marine industry and economy , and all kinds of sea sports activities co ea Bathshua specialized training.

In brief summary we can say that at present , which are settled in our community other entities with different objectives to ours , remains heritage of our partners in the implementation of approximately 95% of the water activities , in what is as regards dinghy cruising and other water activities . That is still weighing on our clubs Aquatics responsibility of our community.

In order to meet these objectives, we want to express to Portos de Galicia our point of view on some issues to find short-term solutions and claim compliance and other previously spoken with the President of Portos de Galicia.



Javier Ruiz de Cortazar Díaz


Cayetano Galán Millán


Jorge Arán Echave


Julio Casal Couto


José Martín Carreira


Ramón Acuña


Pedro Campos Calvo Sotelo